Friday, May 02, 2008

No Knitting (again)

This time of year is always so very very busy. End of the school year stuff, just busy stuff that happens at the end of the school year when one has school aged children. I carry my sock project along with me (not the one I'm timing, it is languishing on my desk until I have time to time the goofy project), no I always have a sock along with me. I did manage to knit for about an hour on the bus to the Denver Children's Museum with girl child's class, but that's about all of the knitting that's been happening lately. I could blame it on the DS and brain games the husband bought me, but truly I think I'm just burned out from the increased activity at the school. Our new Y opened (finally) and I have spent a lot of time (well....a lot of time for me anyway) there working out, which makes me feel great, but doesn't give me more hours in my day for knitting. My newest issue of Interweave knits landed in my mailbox yesterday and I was pleased to see it there, but nothing jumped out and said "knit me", so perhaps I'll just languish in "no knitting time" land for 3 more weeks, I'm sure that when school lets out my mind will clear and knitting will look more attractive that it has been.

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